The Adventures of Miss Susan
An original wordless puppet show created by Brittany Parker
A fictional story based on a real hero, The Adventures of Miss Susan follows a Maine children's librarian as she encounters the everyday battles of the nonprofit world, attending intimidating board meetings and executing countless fundraisers while also serving tea and popcorn to 40 first graders at story-time. Her efforts are tireless as she fights for those who can’t fight for themselves -- children. On the night of her retirement party, Miss Susan is feeling heartbroken over ending the most exciting and rigorous chapter of her life. But when a mysterious drink shrinks her to the size of the very books on her shelves, she is called once more to fight, this time amidst the extraordinary battles of the stories on the page.
The Adventures of Miss Susan uses table-top puppetry, pop-up books, live projected video feed, and an original music score to tell the story of an everyday hero. The show was developed through a residency at the Barn Arts Collective and the Southwest Harbor Public Library in the summer of 2018, with collaborators Mélissa Smith, Katie Melby, and composer Andrew Lynch. The performance can be paired with a puppetry and film workshop for grades 3-5.
Approximate runtime: 45 minutes
Appropriate for all ages
The Adventures of Miss Susan uses table-top puppetry, pop-up books, live projected video feed, and an original music score to tell the story of an everyday hero. The show was developed through a residency at the Barn Arts Collective and the Southwest Harbor Public Library in the summer of 2018, with collaborators Mélissa Smith, Katie Melby, and composer Andrew Lynch. The performance can be paired with a puppetry and film workshop for grades 3-5.
Approximate runtime: 45 minutes
Appropriate for all ages